Mobile healthcare market tendencies
На чем программист может заработать большие деньги во время пандемии?
While COVID-19 pandemics became the bane for the air travel and hospitality industry among many, it may turn out to be the boon for the healthcare industry and health apps, in particular, spurring the healthcare app development all over the world.
Data shows people are concerned with their health, both physical and mental, making classical fitness applications like MyFitnessPal and meditation applications like Calm and Headspace the most downloaded applications of the health and lifestyle category in App Store and Google Play.
There's a tendency of healthcare apps to become more varied. While about 5 years ago healthcare apps were represented in most cases by "lightweight" everyday solutions, like fitness apps, today we witness the rise of more sophisticated applications with a narrower approach.
Another important trend in world health is telemedicine. Soon, we can expect a rapid increase in the number of applications that allow patients to remotely contact doctors for recommendations and treatment.
According to Allied Market Research, the most popular devices concerning the mobile health market are BP monitors with the blood glucose meters segment showing the fastest growth rates.
Among the services, the monitoring services segment is the most prominent.
3 reasons to develop a healthcare app
Mobile applications for healthcare may act as an intermediary between the sophisticated high-tech and people with their everyday needs and routines.
The mHealth apps market is growing by leaps and bounds. This huge industry is expanding every day and shows no signs of stopping, stimulated by the COVID-19 pandemics. The army of mobile application developers has grown dramatically, and the number of applications themselves is breaking records.
The revenue generated by the mobile app industry has reached sky-high levels.
Looks like building a healthcare app is one of the most promising investments there is today.
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